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Japanese Style Ryokan

1200 years ago, Osawa Onsen was found when Sakanoue Tamuramaro was ordered the eastern expedition. Since then, It has been favored by many people including noted authors such as Kenji Miyazawa, Kohtaro Takamura, etc. Surrounded by the rich nature of Iwate prefecture, Kikusuikan creates a nostalgic atmosphere as if you stray into the Japanese folk tale world.
Kikusuiikan is composed of two buildings of wooden architecture and a thatched house. The 160-year old thatched house was once used as a regular inn of successive lords of the Nanbu clan.

Standard Room Charge: (per person, with 2 meals, tax not included)

One room type: JPY6,800, 7600 ~

Two-room type: JPY9,600 ~

Rest only: JPY2,500 ~ (no meals)

*Special prices are applied to peak season.


Provides a variety of Japnese style dishes cooked with fresh ingredients collected from the rich nature of Iwate prefecture.


Hot Springs:
Guests can enjoy 7 different types of baths at three inns of Osawa Onsen.
Indoor, Nanbu no yu
Indoor, Yakushi no yu
Open-air, Kawabe no yu
Open-air, Osawa no yu
Open-air, Toyosawa no yu


Sight Seeing Spot:
Located about 45 minutes away from Osawa Onsen, there is the world heritage Hiraizumi famous for the Chuson-Ji Temple Konjiki-do (golden hall).

*We are afraid that Kikusuikan is not yet listed on Booking.com. You could either continue to find another ryokan similar to Kikusuikan on Booking.com or inquire us from the form below.  We will check their availability and let you know within 24 hours.

Check discount rates and book now.

Sightseeing Spots

Chuson-Ji Temple


Chuson-Ji Temple


Chuson-Ji Temple


Chuson-Ji Temple


Rasu Chijin Kyokai

caption (3)

Place associated with Kenji Miyazawa


Kiyomizu Temple


Rasu Chijin Kyokai


Kamafuchi Waterfall


Kitagami Tenshochi

Cultual Events & Activities

Hayachine Kagura


Omagari Fireworks


Hanamaki Festival


Hanamaki Festival


Hanamaki Shika Odori

Access and Sightseeing Spots

From Tokyo: 
Take Tohoku Shinkansen to Shin Hanamaki (2 hours & 41 minutes). Take a taxi to  Osawa Onsen (35 minutes.) Or take Tohoku Honsen (not direct, takes over 9 hours)  to Hanamak. Take a bus to Osawa Onsen ( 30 minutes)

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  • Language Assistance

Inn Temple Shrine Castle or Ruin of Castle Garden Park Embankment Lake Other

1. Click the button on the top left-corner of the map to indicate a spot-list 
2. Click any icon to see the details (You can also click an icon on the map.)
3. Click a text link - Google mapで見る. Google map will open in a separate window.
4. Indicate a menu list by clicking the menu button on the top left.
5. Click the 12th text link from the top - 言語, and select English from the language list. English map will open.
6. Check the route.

Booking through Booking.com
Booking.com is our partner company that offers secure, reliable and instant booking system as well as attractive prices.
When your accommodation is indicated in the search result, we recommend you to proceed your booking following their instructions.
Regarding bookings which have been made through Booking.com, all subsequent processes such as cancellation and booking status change need to be processed on their system as well. Please noted that we do not accept those requests through our contact form.

When entering Booking.com, please make sure to move from our linked banner or button. Please informed that if you moved from ad banner, we take no responsibility about your booking.

In Case You Couldn't Find Your Accommodation on Booking.com.  
You could try booking yourself, or inquire us from Find Me a Ryokan.

Staying at a Traditional Japanese Ryokan would be an unforgettable experience for the rest of your life. But, unlike other modern hotels, you might find it difficult booking it yourself due to their unique reservation method and language barrier. Even if they have an English page, its information volume is usually too minimum and imperfect to understand. Accordingly, your reservation needs to be handled properly by people knowledgeable to their system like us. Japanesque.xyz promises to handle your bookings adequately as a medium to connect you and ryokans. Even in case that there is no availability at the Ryokan you selected, we will propose some alternatives of the same grade in stead. 

Language Assistance Service

Sooner or later, the first trouble you will face in Japan would be the language barrier.
Most people in Japan are not fluent in English, and if they do speak it is mostly with a cursory understanding, kind of like an American high school graduate's knowledge of Spanish.
Older people mostly have much poorer English skills than young people. Outside of the busiest areas of Tokyo and Kyoto, you will find that most people will not be as responsive to "Hello" and "Excuse me", and may shy away if they think that you know no Japanese at all.
Generally, Japan is a very friendly place for travelers, and everyone is always willing to lend a helping hand. However, It does not mean that you are released from the language problems you will face in various situations while you stay in Japan.

For instance; 
1. Restaurants never have English menus and waitresses do not speak English, 
2. Ticket vending machines at restaurants have no English explanation, 
3. Can't easily find the way to your destination when you get lost,  
4. Can't correctly tell clerks what item you are looking for
5. Can't exactly tell people your symptoms when you suddenly get ill, etc, etc.. 


Accommodation Japanesque's LANGUAGE ASSISTANCE SERVICE would be your best solution for building smoother yet instant mutual understanding with non-English-speaking people at any situations. All you have to do is just call and tell us what you want to tell the person you are trying to communicate with. We will translate your words for you and solve your language barrier problem at once. 
A single bad experience is capable of ruining your whole journey. We promise to make your journey comfortable, smooth, and trouble-free through our expertise communication skills.
See The Details Now


Please note:

After you booked accommodation through Booking.com, all subsequent processes such as cancellation and booking status change need to be processed on Booking.com system.